by gomezalvarez | Oct 11, 2019 | News
We are delighted to share that Clando Bi / Wild Cab has been selected for the INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION of the 6th CONTACT: Interantional Student Film festival Izmir (October 21 – October 25 2019). Fingers crossed for Clando Bi ! 2019_International...
by gomezalvarez | Jul 6, 2019 | News
Clando Bi has been selected for the International Competition of Belo Horizonte International Film Festival....
by gomezalvarez | Jun 1, 2019 | News
We are delighted that our film Wild Cab has been selected for the INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION of the 35th Hamburg Shortfilm Festival (June 04 – June 10 2019). We hope to see as many friends as possible to join us in Hamburg! Will be screened Thursday, 6.6. at...
by gomezalvarez | May 29, 2019 | News
“Geschichten zu erzählen ist eine zutiefst menschliche und würdevolle Art, schwierigen Situationen Sinn zu verleihen.” (Simon Stephens) – Liebe. Familie. Fortschritt. Gott. Freiheit. Leben. Große Worte, mit denen der Autor die Szenen seines Stückes...
by gomezalvarez | Mar 1, 2019 | News
Hosted by director Alain Gomis, the workshop “Grand Voyage” 2018 was placed under the theme of modernity. From this perspective, 30 film students (15 from Senegal and 15 from the ECAL / HEAD Master’s degree) went to decipher five districts of Dakar...
by gomezalvarez | Sep 26, 2018 | News
Jellyfish is a cinematic novel, meditative approach to talk about notion of gender by translating cognitive knowledge and literary elements into filmic narrative.The film depicts two types of characters: inhabitants of the fictional planet of gender utopian society...